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Sunshine Yellow Inspiration

After a gloomy day of rain and no sunshine, the En Vogue team was inspired to put together this Sunshine Yellow inspiration board.  We hope this board can inspire a little brightness in your event color scheme — or just simply brighten up your day!!  It did ours…. Enjoy!!

Wardrobe Commitments Not To Break in 2014

We’re all guilty of making New Year resolutions we never keep. From hitting the gym to eating more vegetables, many of our resolutions are as faint of a memory as our champagne toasts on New Years Eve.  Even though our intentions are coming from a good place, our execution is off. The bottom line is...

Spring 2014’s Three Hottest Trends at Nordstrom

Below from Kelly Skahan, Fashion PR at Nordstrom, is about the Spring 2014’s Hottest Trends The weather is still pretty rough around the country, but we’re looking forward to the warmer days ahead and the brand new looks we’ll get to wear all spring. We’ve put together three of our favorite trends from spring 2014...

Simply Bridal Contest

  Did you know this is engagement season? In honor of the season, please submit your engagement stories by tagging En Vogue Events in your social media  or email ([email protected]) and a lucky winner will receive their choice of a veil or headpiece from Simply Bridal Accessories! Facebook: En Vogue Events Twitter: @envogueevents Instagram: instagram.com/envogueevents...

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